Living in Philadelphia

Penn Off Campus Services provides resources and information to help members of the Penn Community!

Welcome to Off-Campus Services

From finding the right neighborhood to learning how to sign a contract, you will find helpful information for you here to support you and inform you.

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More Info for Residents

Explore the resources available for all students living off-campus. Living on your own can be challenging, there are many questions, we can provide some answers.

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Off Campus Information Sessions

  Information Sessions: If you would like to attend a session, please email   We will email you a login for the sessions. Sessions cover learning to use our website, tips on reading your lease, searching our database, and more. October: 10-24 6-7 pm EST, 10-28: 2-3 pm EST


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News & Announcements

Penn Transit Announces New Bus Route and Service Enhancements

Penn Transit has introduced several adjustments to its services for the 2023-2024 Academic Year:

  • Introducing Penn Bus North, a new fixed-route pilot program traveling west on Chestnut Street, between 30th and 48th Streets, and north to Powelton Avenue with dedicated transit stops.
  • A revised bus schedule that accommodates times of the highest rider demand by beginning one hour earlier: All bus routes, including the new Penn Bus North, will operate Monday through Friday from 4 p.m. –  Midnight. 
  • Penn’s Evening Shuttle service has an adjusted start time starting 90 minutes later, running Monday – Friday 7:30 p.m. – 3 a.m., and weekends 6 p.m. – 3 a.m.

There are no changes to the existing bus routes including Penn Bus West, Penn Bus East, Penn FMC Shuttle, and the Penn-Drexel Bus Share program. Penn Accessible Transit will remain available 7 a.m. – 3 p.m., 7 days per week. For more information about Penn Transit’s buses, shuttles, and other services, visit  

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