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Pest Management

Tips for managing common pests.

Unwanted guests sometimes find their way into our living spaces. Most pest problems can be resolved with some attention and cooperation between the tenant and landlord. The first and most important step in remedying pest infestations is communicating with your landlord and determining the appropriate course of action. 

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Sometimes, despite our best efforts to keep the premises clean and store food properly, pests may still enter. However, there are some simple measures one can take that may make your home less accessible and less appealing to pests.

When selecting an apartment or house, inspect the entire place, particularly the ground floor and kitchen areas, for holes. Mice may enter through very small holes (even 1/2 inch or underneath a closed door). Check to see that the space around any pipes, such as water or gas pipes, is properly and permanently sealed. If large spaces remain, request that your landlord repair the holes as soon as possible.

Store food in airtight, sturdy plastic or metal containers. Keep food only in the kitchen or pantry, and put dry goods (a favorite among mice) on high shelves and seal them well. Some say mice will chew through plastic. If this happens, metal tins can be purchased at many dollar stores.

Sweep up crumbs and wipe down counters with soap or a disinfectant after cooking and eating.

Additional Resources

The presence of droppings, chewed or gnawed food packaging, or shredded paper/nesting material may indicate an infestation. If you suspect that you may have an infestation, the Environmental Protection Agency provides extensive information on their website about common household infestations.




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