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Penn Commuter Discount Program

Effective September 1, 2023, the University is raising the discount on Philadelphia regional passes to 50% with a maximum discount of $105 per month.  The new discount coincides with a system migration to a new program management platform that will offer an enhanced user interface and related support services. This discount will be available for transportation options including SEPTA’s Monthly City TransPass+ and Monthly Regional TrailPass (does not include SEPTA Key’s Travel Wallet),  PATCO, New Jersey Transit, and Amtrak (Prepaid 10-pack tickets and Monthly Pass). The Commuter Card, which allows loading pre-tax contributions onto a debit card that can be used to pay for a variety of eligible transit expenses, will continue to be offered with a discount of 5%. The pre-tax deduction of up to $315 per month will still be available, adding additional savings potential to riders.

Penn is moving the monthly transit-related product offerings from Health Equity to Jawnt. These products include SEPTA, NJ Transit, and Amtrak monthly passes as well as the PATCO Freedom T-Card. The new discount on these products is 50% off with a maximum of $105 per person per month.

The Commuter Card is not changing and is offered at a 5% discount, and continues to be available via Health Equity.

The new commuter discount starting September 1 will:

  • Provide a 50% discount on SEPTA, NJ Transit, & Amtrak monthly passes and the PATCO Freedom Card with a maximum discount of $105 per month
  • Maintain 5% discount on Commuter Card.


A Monthly SEPTA Pass discounted at 50% becomes the economical choice for all employees commuting at least 3 days per week.


You can enroll in the Commuter Card Program through Health Equity and get a 5% discount through payroll deduction.


Visit the Jawnt portal once it opens on August 1 and begin the enrollment process to add your preferred monthly transit fare product (SEPTA, PATCO, NJ Transit, and AMTRAK).  The September commuter month is open until August 19.